The numbers are impressive. The impact is breathtaking.


Nova Scotia Research and Innovation Trust (NSRIT) supports research infrastructure in Nova Scotia by matching national funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). NSRIT benefits researchers in Health and Life Sciences, Ocean Technology, Clean Technology, and Information and Communications Technology. Since 2001, NSRIT — through the Province of Nova Scotia — has awarded over $85 million to more than 433 projects at Nova Scotia research beneficiary institutions, dramatically leveraging opportunities for innovation and direct economic benefits to the people of Nova Scotia and beyond.


Interrogating Past Climate Variations to Understand the Future Impacts of Climate Change

With the rapid development of modern society over the course of the past century, increased attention has been paid to the causes and impacts of climate change.  To increase our understanding of the range of potential variations of the climate system, researchers at St. Francis Xavier (StFX) University, are looking to the past to see […]

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NSRIT Funding Helps CBU Researcher Bring Communities Together

When St. Mary’s Polish Church in Whitney Pier was destroyed by fire in November 2023, the loss to the local community was unimaginable. The CoMM Lab, built to promote collaboration and community-based research on music, dance, performance and other media was supported by $399,915 from the Nova Scotia Research and Innovation Trust. Dr. Marcia Ostashewski, […]

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An Investment with High Returns: An MRI for molecules puts a new spin on scientific research at Saint Mary’s University

Jason Masuda stands at the doorway to a workroom frequented primarily by scientists. “No cell phones or laptops beyond this point,” cautions the Saint Mary’s University Chemistry professor.  “And no pace-makers.” In the corner of the room sits the preeminent technology available for helping chemists and researchers determine the structure of molecules: a nuclear magnetic […]

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