Room With a View to Collaboration


SMU-Catherine-Loughlin-2smartboardSaint Mary’s University’s culture of collaboration continues to thrive as researchers in the Gorsebrook Research Institute make good use of a Smart Boardroom funded in part by the Nova Scotia Research and Innovation Trust (NSRIT).
“The room itself tells a story of cooperation and partnership” says Dr. Catherine Loughlin, Saint Mary’s Canada Research Chair and Associate Dean (Research and Knowledge Mobilization) of the Sobey School of Business.
An expert in industrial/organizational psychology, Loughlin arrived at Saint Mary’s in 2005, bringing with her a passion for research and more than $100,000 in funding from NSRIT’s Canada Research Chairs Infrastructure Fund.
“It was a generous contribution” recalls Loughlin, “but not quite enough to fund a suitable space for the work I wanted to do.”
By pooling their resources, Loughlin and two other Canada Research Chairs, Drs. Arla Day and Peteer Twohig, turned a dated space in an old house into a state-of-the-art boardroom designed to facilitate research.
The end result?
“It’s far better than we could have imagined” says Loughlin, “and it’s much in demand – not only by other faculty members on campus, but also by student researchers, and for research-related activities in the larger community.”
Dr. Loughlin credits the Smart Boardroom with advancing her work in leadership and health, and for helping her collect the data to attract additional funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (NSHRF).

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